China Business News

China is fastest growing economic country in the world in the past 5 years.China has increasing huge revenue of exporting products to Northern America, Europe, Asia and rest of world. China is become a powerful country to provide all world manufacturers there.

Recently, China has opened door policy to Chinese business owners given more freedom opportunities to invest and to operate private companies, such as a famous computer company called LenovelTM, which has over 5000 employees in all over China to produce computer system PC and laptops. They are selling their products in the world.

Another examples, China is not only importing and setting up many foreign automobile factories in China, such Mercedes, BMW, VW, GM, Honda, Toyota and Hyundai in China and also Chinese automobile factory is setting up a factory State of Oklahoma USA to produce own brand name of Cherry TM .

Chinese government focus to solve increasing demanded on natural oil sources and it has bought and processing buying few oil companies in Middle East.

In China domestic market, China’s copper and aluminum industries are growing fast.

Accordingto UK's newspaper the Financal Times, between 2015 and 2020, the ranking of relative conributon to global GDP is as follows: mainland China (30%), India (15%), and USA (10%). In other words, China alone th contributio is much more than the sum of the second and the third counries.
